
Our family.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lili's new room.

Eric was going gung ho on Lili's room but then got held up with the wall border.  Not his favorite thing to do.  We've been so busy with so many other projects that I didn't nag him too much.  We had a nice quiet day at home this past weekend and I suggested he ask my Dad to come and help him.  They got the wolf border up in no time and then Lili and I were off and running.  We spent hours going through all of her little things.  She's been in her old room since she was two and there were a LOT of little things.  She did great at sorting, keep, display, memory box, give away and throw away.  Fei helped and she watched Lili really stream line so hopefully it will go as smoothly when we move her over.  Both girls have been spending quite a bit of time in the new room just hanging out and listening to music.  Such a grown up room compared to her old one.  Fei has lots of plans for her new room, we're close to starting.  The only thing left for Lili is to move her clothing down but we'll cull at the same time, so we need a fair chunk of time to get it done.  Jia scored lots of little goodies to play with, when ever she came up to 'help', we distracted her with something new and she was off playing again. 

We spent my flex day at the river yesterday.  Water was arctic and there wasn't much swimming done and it was hot, so we all voted to go home and swim in our own pool, ahhhh, so nice.  Clean, refreshing and the views are lovely in the back yard.

Now, adoption news.  Our agency did send off an e-mail request to the person I wanted them to contact on Friday.  Sadly, it was likely three days late.  We haven't heard anything.  All weekend I was thinking we were 50/50 for it turning out the way we want it to.  Now that's it's Tuesday, I'm thinking it's likely not good news.  I can't imagine what could take this long if he's still available on the shared list.  The other news is that the special needs list hasn't had new files in three months and I just read on Rumor Queen that the new list came out last night.  Our agency apparently doesn't stay up to see the news files, they wait three days to see what files are returned so I wouldn't expect a match from the list today.  Hard waiting.  Hard not being in control.