
Our family.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Music Festival

I don't have time to be bored.  We don't allow the kids to use the word bored, ever.  I'm using it in regards to music festival.  Who on earth set this system up?  I'm super bored.  I did use my time to blog the weekend.  In part I'm likely anxious to get out of here.  Four days left before holidays and we have lots to do. 

My Mom has volunteered to bring Fei here for the afternoon.  Thank you Mom.   Greatly appreciated.  I'm feeling guilt about not coming with Fei on the other hand this is super boring and slow and dry.  Painful.

Oh, and we got word that Scott is moving out of the hospital on April 1.  Yay.  Finally.  Thankfully we'll be here to help him get into a new routine.   The hospital staff keep telling us he is good to take care of himself but we aren't so sure.  They told us he could read but on Saturday he was pretty clear that he can't.  At this point we're all happy to get him away from where he is.  The assisted living place he is going to isn't connected to viha.  

Eric is taking the Littles to see Mike the Knight tonight and it's Miss Lacie's 11th Birthday today. 

That's all my random thoughts for the moment.