
Our family.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Slow down kid!

Jia is on a tear.  Wants to do everything now!  She is exhausting.  The volcano was painted and we all gathered for the big eruption. Ya.  It sizzled. Very disappointing.  What did we learn about volcanoes today?  That if they erupt you will have FOREVER to run away ;) 

Then she wanted sea monkeys or diamond digging.  She's been pounding on the rocks for two hours.  What a mess. 

Now she's bugging me to load Pokémon Go on her new phone.  I chased her out of the room.  Demanding that she be done asking for anything more today.  She's in the bath now, she's covered in clay powder from the excavating.

Meanwhile Luk woke up with wicked bed head so Eric gave him a Mohawk and he thinks it's really cool.  He also thinks it makes him look like a gentleman.  Haha.  He's been playing with Kai all day in between trips to the bathroom too look at his hair.

Kai is running all over trying to see what everyone is doing.  He's doing great.  No screaming and yelling.  Getting along. 

The big girls had a rehearsal ealier today.  They have to go back at 5:30.  The show starts at 7.  80 performers.  I'm tempted to go.  Scared of how long it will take.  Also scared of the memorial part.  The funeral was brutal. 

Eric just grocery shopped.  We're set for a couple more days.