
Our family.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Parent Teacher Interviews.

I don't visit the high school teachers.  Girls are straight A's.  Seems little point in going.

We get tons of feed back about the boys so don't really need to go in.

Jia on the other hand.  We rarely talk to her teachers.  She's a busy, fidgety girl who likes to socialize.  We were told it's hard to keep her on task.  No kidding.  Don't we know it.  Anyways, today we heard that even through the sensory stuff and chatting she is on target, meeting goals and getting her work done.  They are aware she could do better if she could focus more.  They also felt she was ok and doesn't need any intervention.  So we can relax for another day.  She was so happy showing us around her class and pointing out all of her work.