
Our family.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Saying Goodbye to Zecora
Rest in peace little Zecora. You were one of the best mousies ever and we will miss you. Poor Jia is distraught.

Trick or Treat
Jia and Luk had a good time. Kai wasn't too fussed that he was staying home.
I worked hard to get Jia's long purple unicorn wig on. It came out of the package a mess and it was a difficult fit. She walked past the mirror, took one look and whipped it off. Hmmm...memories of a long blond Hannah Montana wig for Fei that lasted as long on her. Haha. So she used her other unicorn horn.

I worked hard to get Jia's long purple unicorn wig on. It came out of the package a mess and it was a difficult fit. She walked past the mirror, took one look and whipped it off. Hmmm...memories of a long blond Hannah Montana wig for Fei that lasted as long on her. Haha. So she used her other unicorn horn.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Kai has lost 3 lbs. He's not really eating. Then he broke out in big welty hives all over and circling his neck on Wed. Yikes. So we stopped his pain meds (tylenol and advil alternating). Apparently he can have pink tylenol but not purple. That was a super long night. Up every hour checking on him. He slept fine...we didn't. He woke up without the rash but in pain. So we reduced the dose and stopped the middle of the night doses. So far so good. He is stating he is "hunggy" today for the first time. He ate egg this morning. Ice cream for lunch and cake for dinner. We'll worry about health later. For now he's rejecting all options so we take each mouthful as a win. He's in good spirits.
Jia's little mouse was actively dying yesterday. She's taking that harder than I expected. Since I'm the only one taking care of them. I held Zecora and sobbed. We didn't think she'd make the night. Today she has rallied. Cleaned herself up. Eating and pooping. Jia reports she's even running today. So sad letting go of pets. Even when it's expected. The mice are super old. Now we check the cage non stop. Ruby has distanced herself and they aren't cuddling anymore. Sob.
Lili and Fei's piano teacher is sick and in hospital. So the student they teach at her house came here for her lesson. That's new. It was ok. They did theory in the dining room.
Lili has hired a math tutor. She's having to work hard this year at keeping her mark's up in a couple of her classes. She's been going to the library to study and do homework after school every day that she can. Works alright because I just pick her up on my way home.
We're all feeling a bit housebound. I'm missing the days of our big group get togethers for trick or treating in town. Just me taking Jia and Luk tomorrow. If it's not raining of course. I told Eric I was feeling sad and he said he'd come with me. I know there are so many things he'd rather be doing but I want a friend with me so I'm going to take him up on the offer.
Update to Kai's eating.
Kai refused food again tonight. Seriously just not eating. Peaches are his favorite normally so I cut some up and we told him he could have them after some yogurt. He was so upset that he wouldn't swallow and was drooling and wretching. Then spit the yogurt out on the floor and all over himself. Fun. He then was sent to the bathroom to clean himself up and he went into a total melt down. Like we haven't seen since our first year together. Oy. Everything in our guts knows he's out of sorts because he's hungry and not eating because he's out of sorts. He ended up in his room sobbing for a while. He came down when he was calmer. I had cream of wheat waiting and fresh yogurt and the peaches. He sat and sobbed again. So I told him he wasn't getting his way and he was going to eat even if I had to feed him like a baby. It took a half hour and I had to put a small piece of peach on each spoonful of cereal but he got it all down. About 6 bites in under duress he finally figured out it was good and quietly and shyly gave me eye contact and let me just feed him nicely. Let's hope tomorrow looks better now that he's finally eaten something. Poor kid. This last week has NOT been fun. I'm no where near over the trauma of the picu, obviously neither is Kai!
Jia wanted chips and I said no because she had some earlier. She said just surprise me then. So I made smiles. She was impressed with my work but peanut butter on apples was a no and she doesn't eat marshmallows. So she got plain apple slices and I'm having smiles for my snack ;)
Jia's little mouse was actively dying yesterday. She's taking that harder than I expected. Since I'm the only one taking care of them. I held Zecora and sobbed. We didn't think she'd make the night. Today she has rallied. Cleaned herself up. Eating and pooping. Jia reports she's even running today. So sad letting go of pets. Even when it's expected. The mice are super old. Now we check the cage non stop. Ruby has distanced herself and they aren't cuddling anymore. Sob.
Lili and Fei's piano teacher is sick and in hospital. So the student they teach at her house came here for her lesson. That's new. It was ok. They did theory in the dining room.
Lili has hired a math tutor. She's having to work hard this year at keeping her mark's up in a couple of her classes. She's been going to the library to study and do homework after school every day that she can. Works alright because I just pick her up on my way home.
We're all feeling a bit housebound. I'm missing the days of our big group get togethers for trick or treating in town. Just me taking Jia and Luk tomorrow. If it's not raining of course. I told Eric I was feeling sad and he said he'd come with me. I know there are so many things he'd rather be doing but I want a friend with me so I'm going to take him up on the offer.
Update to Kai's eating.
Kai refused food again tonight. Seriously just not eating. Peaches are his favorite normally so I cut some up and we told him he could have them after some yogurt. He was so upset that he wouldn't swallow and was drooling and wretching. Then spit the yogurt out on the floor and all over himself. Fun. He then was sent to the bathroom to clean himself up and he went into a total melt down. Like we haven't seen since our first year together. Oy. Everything in our guts knows he's out of sorts because he's hungry and not eating because he's out of sorts. He ended up in his room sobbing for a while. He came down when he was calmer. I had cream of wheat waiting and fresh yogurt and the peaches. He sat and sobbed again. So I told him he wasn't getting his way and he was going to eat even if I had to feed him like a baby. It took a half hour and I had to put a small piece of peach on each spoonful of cereal but he got it all down. About 6 bites in under duress he finally figured out it was good and quietly and shyly gave me eye contact and let me just feed him nicely. Let's hope tomorrow looks better now that he's finally eaten something. Poor kid. This last week has NOT been fun. I'm no where near over the trauma of the picu, obviously neither is Kai!
Jia wanted chips and I said no because she had some earlier. She said just surprise me then. So I made smiles. She was impressed with my work but peanut butter on apples was a no and she doesn't eat marshmallows. So she got plain apple slices and I'm having smiles for my snack ;)
Monday, October 22, 2018
Keeping Still
I worried like crazy about how we would keep Kai still. Then we hit the hospital and he was such a great patient. As though he already knew the protocol. Plus he felt like crap and was drugged and there was just no issue keeping him still. Then we worried about how he'd be at home. We made a nest on the couch and he hasn't moved since. Haha. I needed a down/couch day too so it's gone well today. He's not eating and getting medicine and liquids in is difficult. He's thrilled to get his choice of shows. Treehouse all the way.
Luk just came home from school with a pile of cards for Kai. He's very sweetly reading them all to Kai.

Luk just came home from school with a pile of cards for Kai. He's very sweetly reading them all to Kai.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Kai is almost ok.
Through the second surgery. He had a hard time waking up and was in recovery extra long. They did a chest xray because his breathing and saturation levels weren't where they wanted. They gave him steroids spray. His left lung is collapsing a bit. Hopefully will come back when his breathing improves. They're alternating tylenol and acetaminophen so it's keeping the pain at bay.
He's staying for two more nights. Eric is coming at dinner so we can switch. Then we'll switch again for the next night. The parent sleeping room is a good distance away from Kai. It's not ideal. It's also really weird having a whole bunch of people looking at you through the giant window overlooking us. Glad they're there though!
Kai was delighted to get another popsicle. He is in way better spirits today then yesterday. Hopefully that's a good sign. Also...the bleeding is stopped!!

He's staying for two more nights. Eric is coming at dinner so we can switch. Then we'll switch again for the next night. The parent sleeping room is a good distance away from Kai. It's not ideal. It's also really weird having a whole bunch of people looking at you through the giant window overlooking us. Glad they're there though!
Kai was delighted to get another popsicle. He is in way better spirits today then yesterday. Hopefully that's a good sign. Also...the bleeding is stopped!!
More Surgery
So, the anatomy inside Kai's head "is a mess". I'm sure there must be better technical terms. Apparently another part of syndromy things are these types of anomalies. His adenoids were huge, in the wrong place, and in a misshapen skull. The surgeon came to see him this morning and said "ya', we have to go back in". Then left. He's not a chatty guy. Right now waiting for O.R. space. Heard a rumor of only one guy ahead of him. So the nurses and I are assuming any time.
Can't believe we're going through this again. And grateful we're with some great, caring, capable people to help us through this.
Kai is sleeping and doesn't know yet. Poor little kid. What a sucky experience for him!
Can't believe we're going through this again. And grateful we're with some great, caring, capable people to help us through this.
Kai is sleeping and doesn't know yet. Poor little kid. What a sucky experience for him!
Kai is Ok.
For anyone following the dates. Kai had his surgery Friday morning. He proved to be complex after all. Things didn't all go as planned. Ended up in the picu (pediatric intensive care unit). He has been bleeding from the adenoid site. All day. ALL DAY. Soooo much blood. It's finally stopped through the night while he's sleeping. Perhaps he does indeed have a bleeding disorder? It's in his file that he does but we'd never heard that before.
So I wasn't able to leave his side. Which made a long day for me. My special needs weren't catered to. I asked Eric to come during the hype of the day and bleeding. He came and offered me a much needed break and brought dinner. Luk and Jia were scared but pretty supportive of their brother.
Kai has been incredibly brave all day. He's also been really mad about events. Praying the blood stops for the rest of the night.
The surgeon has been great. Came back twice after hours to check on him and will be back in the morning.
Next hospital stay requires two parents and babysitters for the others! Also slippers. I'm all about bare feet and they don't appreciate that here. And it's hot. I have my own hot flash issues. Looking forward to home already. Not having a great vacation ;)

Finally a break from holding Kleenex under his nose.

Emergency procedures training on a little boy doll.

Kai was happy to see his posse but couldn't stay awake.
So I wasn't able to leave his side. Which made a long day for me. My special needs weren't catered to. I asked Eric to come during the hype of the day and bleeding. He came and offered me a much needed break and brought dinner. Luk and Jia were scared but pretty supportive of their brother.
Kai has been incredibly brave all day. He's also been really mad about events. Praying the blood stops for the rest of the night.
The surgeon has been great. Came back twice after hours to check on him and will be back in the morning.
Next hospital stay requires two parents and babysitters for the others! Also slippers. I'm all about bare feet and they don't appreciate that here. And it's hot. I have my own hot flash issues. Looking forward to home already. Not having a great vacation ;)
Finally a break from holding Kleenex under his nose.
Emergency procedures training on a little boy doll.
Kai was happy to see his posse but couldn't stay awake.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Missy has been asking and saving for months. I ordered her a pair for Christmas. I was a bit concerned about the size. So the other day the moaning started and we got them out and told her Merry Christmas. Turns out they aren't as easy to use as she was expecting. We're letting her use them on the laminate floor in the kitchen.

Eric's Project
He's in his element. Loving the project. Moving full steam ahead.
True old married couple. Discussing the closet in depth. He's creating something magical for me and stopping the leak into the garage for himself. Also today, it was clear that he likes the idea of inheriting the existing closet for himself.

True old married couple. Discussing the closet in depth. He's creating something magical for me and stopping the leak into the garage for himself. Also today, it was clear that he likes the idea of inheriting the existing closet for himself.
Spa Treatment
Jia came to ask if she could use a nose cleansing patch. I said yes. Then she came and asked if Luk could do one. I said sure but make sure to set a timer and don't leave it on too long. Then she came and said there were three left could Kai do one too. I laughed at the picture of Kai agreeing to that but said yes. Then there was a lot of hooting and laughing. Kai ran to show me, he was pretty delighted. He didn't like the water so it wouldn't stick so Jia and Luk used tape to get his on. Hilarious.

I came down to get a picture but they didn't want me take one. Bribery worked. If I agreed to take them to the dollar store for one toy and one candy they would smile. They were so cute I agreed. We took them last night. Deal is a deal.

I came down to get a picture but they didn't want me take one. Bribery worked. If I agreed to take them to the dollar store for one toy and one candy they would smile. They were so cute I agreed. We took them last night. Deal is a deal.
Cleared for surgery.
Kai and I left early on Friday for his appointment at Vic General. He was thrilled about no school and happy to be on a road trip. The Jeep is considered cool by the littles so they're still excited to get in it. It's tough for the boys to climb in, it's too high, the wheel well is in the way and there are no handles.
In Kai fashion he let everyone know he was there. He gets louder the more excited he gets. All adults are there to take care of him and there is nothing he loves more than to be babied. So he asks strangers for help. For silly things like asking them to pass things to him that he can reach and doesn't need. No one understands him but they all try. He's hard to control once he hits show off mode.
He wailed and screamed ow ow ow when they took his blood pressure. He showed everyone there the coloring he did. He insisted on using the Dr's private bathroom. I told him no that room isn't for you, you just went pee in the other bathroom so he very dramatically started dancing while holding himself and yelling repeatedly "I have to tee tee!" She quickly gave him permission. Then he couldn't close the heavy door, or flush the toilet or reach the light stitch or shut the water off. Phew. I was trying to answer questions while leaping up over and over again when he screached. When we left there was a corus of people saying goodbye to him, patients and staff. He leaves a lasting impression. Haha. He was cleared for surgery next Friday. Thankfully not chased into Children's. He has no clue what's coming.
In Kai fashion he let everyone know he was there. He gets louder the more excited he gets. All adults are there to take care of him and there is nothing he loves more than to be babied. So he asks strangers for help. For silly things like asking them to pass things to him that he can reach and doesn't need. No one understands him but they all try. He's hard to control once he hits show off mode.
He wailed and screamed ow ow ow when they took his blood pressure. He showed everyone there the coloring he did. He insisted on using the Dr's private bathroom. I told him no that room isn't for you, you just went pee in the other bathroom so he very dramatically started dancing while holding himself and yelling repeatedly "I have to tee tee!" She quickly gave him permission. Then he couldn't close the heavy door, or flush the toilet or reach the light stitch or shut the water off. Phew. I was trying to answer questions while leaping up over and over again when he screached. When we left there was a corus of people saying goodbye to him, patients and staff. He leaves a lasting impression. Haha. He was cleared for surgery next Friday. Thankfully not chased into Children's. He has no clue what's coming.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Eric's Project
Our garage leaks. There is a flat roof deck over it. Every year he patches the seams. We don't use the deck. We're not sure what the plan for Mom is. Possible scenario is converting the garage. So we will need a proper peaked roof.
Bonus...there will be space up there. Like we need more space. Haha. House is huge but storage sucks. Desperate lack of closets in this old house. 108 years young. I'm finally getting a walk in closet! Funny thing is it will be bigger than our bedroom with a view out the back windows. Love it.
He's putting in a little screened room for Esmei out there. Yes...she will have her own bathroom. Now that totally escalates me to crazy cat lady status!!

Bill came to lift the wall up. Thanks Bill.
Bonus...there will be space up there. Like we need more space. Haha. House is huge but storage sucks. Desperate lack of closets in this old house. 108 years young. I'm finally getting a walk in closet! Funny thing is it will be bigger than our bedroom with a view out the back windows. Love it.
He's putting in a little screened room for Esmei out there. Yes...she will have her own bathroom. Now that totally escalates me to crazy cat lady status!!
Bill came to lift the wall up. Thanks Bill.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Jia's Gotcha
We waited 5 LONG years for our baby girl. She has kept us on our toes ever since. She is the busiest person we've ever met. She is bright, creative, clever, super funny and she has the best laugh. We're so happy our Jia Joy was chosen to be in our family.

The actual gotcha moment.

Half hour later.

Next day, adoption day.

Hotel fun.

Empress Jia.

Home. Super happy baby!

On the go. Home only a few days.
The actual gotcha moment.
Half hour later.
Next day, adoption day.
Hotel fun.
Empress Jia.
Home. Super happy baby!
On the go. Home only a few days.
Sunday, October 7, 2018
A Facebook friend from adoption circles living in the states had her 17 year old daughter adopted from Uganda walk out of her Dad's house. Their whole family was on my mind and I was up several times through the night checking for updates. This morning she was found safe. So I started my Thanksgiving feeling so grateful for her family and extremely grateful for our family. Things are good in our world.
We had friends and Mom over and had a great meal and some laughs.

We had friends and Mom over and had a great meal and some laughs.
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