Through the second surgery. He had a hard time waking up and was in recovery extra long. They did a chest xray because his breathing and saturation levels weren't where they wanted. They gave him steroids spray. His left lung is collapsing a bit. Hopefully will come back when his breathing improves. They're alternating tylenol and acetaminophen so it's keeping the pain at bay.
He's staying for two more nights. Eric is coming at dinner so we can switch. Then we'll switch again for the next night. The parent sleeping room is a good distance away from Kai. It's not ideal. It's also really weird having a whole bunch of people looking at you through the giant window overlooking us. Glad they're there though!
Kai was delighted to get another popsicle. He is in way better spirits today then yesterday. Hopefully that's a good sign. Also...the bleeding is stopped!!

He's staying for two more nights. Eric is coming at dinner so we can switch. Then we'll switch again for the next night. The parent sleeping room is a good distance away from Kai. It's not ideal. It's also really weird having a whole bunch of people looking at you through the giant window overlooking us. Glad they're there though!
Kai was delighted to get another popsicle. He is in way better spirits today then yesterday. Hopefully that's a good sign. Also...the bleeding is stopped!!