Jia came to ask if she could use a nose cleansing patch. I said yes. Then she came and asked if Luk could do one. I said sure but make sure to set a timer and don't leave it on too long. Then she came and said there were three left could Kai do one too. I laughed at the picture of Kai agreeing to that but said yes. Then there was a lot of hooting and laughing. Kai ran to show me, he was pretty delighted. He didn't like the water so it wouldn't stick so Jia and Luk used tape to get his on. Hilarious.

I came down to get a picture but they didn't want me take one. Bribery worked. If I agreed to take them to the dollar store for one toy and one candy they would smile. They were so cute I agreed. We took them last night. Deal is a deal.

I came down to get a picture but they didn't want me take one. Bribery worked. If I agreed to take them to the dollar store for one toy and one candy they would smile. They were so cute I agreed. We took them last night. Deal is a deal.