We've known with full certainty since day one that Kai is visually impaired. Proving it has been challenging. The eye specialist has been reluctant to write it down. Confirmed verbally with us. We see him every six months. Still no verification. Our pediatrician is so annoyed that she's requested we see someone else at Children's. We're waiting on that appt. We were called a year ago and declined the appointment because his diagnosis had been confirmed, but not in writing. Then we found out that the school district was taking away his vision therapy. Idiots. It's a part of his syndrome. You really only need a short amount of time with Kai to see that he's visually impaired. Anyways. Eric took him yesterday to the specialist and insisted on something in writing.
I laughed when I saw the letter. Just the diagnosis. No capitals, punctuation or words. Cheeky to the max. After two and a half years...diagnosis obtained.

No clue how to turn the photo on bloggeroid.