The family gift this year was DNA kits! Some of us more excited about that than others :)
Opened DNA kits and tried explaining what they are. Opened our ornaments and hung them up. Opened jammies and put them on. Posed for pictures, got an amazing one, yay. Boys had snack. Cookies and milk out for Santa. Read the Night Before Christmas. Posted kids jammie picture on Facebook. Blog kids in jammies. Family traditions done. Check.
Boys are in bed. The rest of us are ready to lay low and watch some tv.

Opened DNA kits and tried explaining what they are. Opened our ornaments and hung them up. Opened jammies and put them on. Posed for pictures, got an amazing one, yay. Boys had snack. Cookies and milk out for Santa. Read the Night Before Christmas. Posted kids jammie picture on Facebook. Blog kids in jammies. Family traditions done. Check.
Boys are in bed. The rest of us are ready to lay low and watch some tv.