We were up at 7, out of the house at 8. Took the 10:15 from Duke Point. Pelting rain but the drive was uneventful. Then two hours at the border?! What. Has never happened to me before. Made our relaxing time in Bellingham hectic and short. Bellingham airport did not disappoint. Flight was fun. Sat with a writer/director who was very entertaining. We didn't get to our hotel until midnight. Long day. Making me rethink our plan of flying from Seattle with the family. Pretty sure we need to come to Seattle the day before.

Crazy long line.

Charging up for the plane.

So excited to be back at the Candy Cane Inn. Loving the themed tree.

Crazy long line.
Charging up for the plane.
So excited to be back at the Candy Cane Inn. Loving the themed tree.