We ended up with an unneutered male cat that was rescued. We moved him to our chicken coop. The SPCA and animal shelter aren't taking cats in right now. Which is going to mean more and more dumped cats. I had a friend looking for a cat very specifically like him. We didn't know if he was tame. Next morning I went in the coop. He jumped into my arms and was a total doll. Just like that. I was able to scrub him everywhere, hold his paws, get between his toes and hold him on his back. Crazy. He's gorgeous, he's talkative and he still plays. Christina came to meet him and it was love at first sight. He went home with her and she managed to get him neutered yesterday. He's one happy little guy to be rescued. She's sending me tons of updates and videos. Feels good to be a part of the match. Also a tad sad to not have kept him. He is a pretty cool cat. We think he's a lynx point bengal. Had he stayed with us his name would have been Levi. Eric and girls are all so surprised that I let him go. Just didn't feel ready. We don't 'need' another cat. I'm still feeling raw about Lacie being gone. We still have to trap the other one...

Looking scared in the coop.
Jia adored him.
Big girls wanted to keep him badly.
Lili plunked him on his back immediately.
It was love at first sight.
One happy new cat Mama.
She named him Kizmet. He's adorable.