
Our family.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Snow. What?!

Max was with us for a whole day.  I thought it would be fun for them to get in a decent bike ride.  So we debated all the different trails and finally settled on going to Lake Cowichan.  Nice walk for the boys and I to the river while Eric rode with Max and Jia.  We got there and it was crazy cold.  We headed back to the car earlier than planned and while we were loading bikes and the wheelchair the snow just dumped on us!  Some flakes, some ice chunks.  Total deluge.  Hillarious.  Meanwhile, it was a gorgeous summer day at home!

Max finally has a phone replacement.
They are back to chatting for crazy lengths of time.
Heaven only knows why kids won't use a house phone anymore.
Reminds me of fighting my brother for phone time and long cords pulled tight to get some privacy.  I'm not sure the kids believe me when I tell them how we did things.  They can't get past "there was no wifi?!"