
Our family.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Spilled milk.

The boys aren't allowed to take their food to the table or take their dirty dishes to the kitchen unless they're completely empty.  It's just almost never a good idea.  I know the argument for how will they learn.  Trust me we're working on skills.  There are just so many that are more important.  Wasted food on the floor especially when there isn't replacements and the mess.  Oh the mess.  There just isn't enough time to wash the floor so often.

So, this morning Luk ate cereal and didn't drink the left over milk.  He thought he'd bring his bowl to the kitchen. Instead it was totally dumped on Isabel.  Who leapt up trying to twist around to see and it's dripping all over as she moves.  I'm telling her to sit.  Luk is in her way.  Kai is sitting beside her playing with duplo.  Then she did the dog thing and shook.  Ug.  I stood helpless while I watched her spray milk in a six foot arc.  Over both boys, the table, their stools, my desk, the duplo, the floor and the new couch. Then Luk stepped in the puddle with sox on and I told him to stop and take them off which was upsetting to him so he went down the hall, taking his wet milk prints across the kitchen and onto the wood floor. Kai had no clue anything happened and was still just playing.  

This is my life.

Izzy just had a bath and now she needs another one.  I normally stay home until the kids are out the door.  Today was too much.  I left them.  Made it to work on time today.  Brownie points to Eric for dealing calmly with the mess while encouraging me to just go.