
Our family.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Catching Up

Courtenay for Uncle Bob's funeral.
Had lunch at Plates.  Super fun car themed restaurant with license plates galore from around the world.

Cousin Linda keeping the boys amused.


Nelson clan.

The boys meeting cousins Dayton and Cole.

Late dinner at the Rock Cod.  Lili getting some cousin time in.  Fei was working.

Miss tucked in under Jia's pink blankie.  Love finding Sasha pictures on my phone.

Sasha wrapping Daddy around her tiny paws.

Mom's Birthday and Thanksgiving.
We got Thanksgiving #2 the next day with Dawn-Marie, Al and Rosa.

Cards after dinner.

A real stool at work for Sasha instead of the stack of paper packets.

Luk took Sasha in for his show and talent.

Aw.  My kitty boys.  So close it's almost cuddling :)

Fei has started driving lessons with Adrien.  

Aunt Maxine's 90th Birthday party.

Battleship with his sister.  They haven't played a game together since they were kids.  

The baby is Eric's great great great grandmother.  Crazy.

Lili did a polar bear swim with friends.  It didn't go great.. she was shocked by the cold and needed help back up on the dock.  She wasn't going to swim to shore.  

Looking at old family pictures at Maxine's party.

Girls night out to see Maleficent 2.
Awesome movie.  Glad we saw it on the big screen.
We laughed, we cried, we rejoiced.