
Our family.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Halloween Prep

The pumpkin hunt.  

I thought the duplicate Pikachus was maybe taking the twin thing too far but they were insistent. 
Turned out great, they got lots of attention.
They were super cute.
I did have a hard time getting Kai to accept that he 'had to' say thank you.  I ended up taking his bag away and telling him "no thank you, then no candy".  The visual worked.  

Best time to walk around downtown.
Soooo many adorable kids!
Great to  be able to see them in the day light.

Jia was in SCRATCH camp.  Learning animation and coding.  She liked it.  Only 4 kids in the class (room for 10).  She's looking forward to the next few Saturdays.
She didn't care one wit about missing trick or treating with the boys.

Costume trial.  Such a gorgeous girl.
Took this photo on her phone.  Pretty impressive camera.

Eric and I slept into 9 today.  Very rare.
Boys were up at 7 as usual.
When I came down this is what I found...
Luk giving Kai a bath!
Amazing.  So sweet.  He washed his hair and used a cloth to wash him.  Love it.  
Kai still fights bathing.  Usually cries.
Today he seemed quite happy.

We forgot to get the pumpkins ready for the whole school carving event so got it done right at bedtime.
Kai didn't want to touch until Jia made it look interesting and he figured out there would be seeds cooked.  Then he got all in and was very chatty. Luk ate his snack and just watched.