
Our family.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Charlie has been adopted!!  We're all so excited for him.  He is going home today.  He's still pretty wild but has shown a lovey side to Fei so that is pretty encouraging.  The two were spayed and neutered last week.  We separated them for their recovery and we were hopeful his placement would work out.  We had thought if Charlie wasn't protecting Millie we'd have a better chance of taming her.  He came around immediately once on his own.  Millie not so much.  She hid in Fei's room for two days.  She is letting us pet her and I got a cuddle with purring yesterday.  Fei sent me a picture of her sleeping on her pillow last night.  So there is hope.
Charlie now Havoc.
So excited for him.
The girls work with his new Mama so we'll get updates :)

Go Millie!!
We'll make a house pet of you yet.