
Our family.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A few pictures.

Fei took this on Jia's phone.

We're turning Lili's current room into a guest room.  I bought a new bed frame.  The wolves are all gone except the night light.  Sorta sad.  The room looks nice.  Lili's twin bed is shoved to the side.  She sent me this picture of Jenny through the night telling me "I think Jenny broke up with me".  Hahaha.

Lili's new room.  Showing some progress. 

These two...the babies in the house.  They love to play together.

The quest is on for good Millie pictures to entice someone to consider adopting her.

Lili had her grad photo shoot.  Curls and makeup were involved.  I did hair. Fei did the makeup. It turned out to be fun.  Can't wait to see the proofs.  The photographer was amazing.