Swells were too big for the tender boats this morning. I woke up to find Eric lounged and staring out the window. He was muttering that there was no way. Also that there was no way the girls would be para sailing. Honestly, to me, all waves and whitecaps look the same. I had been telling Eric the night before that the boat was really swaying but he doesn't feel it like I do. I carried on as if we were getting off the boat. While we were in the dining room there was an announcement that Catalina was cancelled. Boo. Safety first. We've been before so it was easy to switch gear. Plus...fun days at sea are fun days. Kids did lots of kids club. Morning then back with us for lunch. Back for the whole afternoon. Boys back for kids club dinner and onto their party. Jia did dinner with us and then onto her club for the evening. Big girls enjoyed their club last night but tonight decided to eat in the dining room with us then go to a couple comedy shows. Which were both hillarious. One of the reasons we enjoy Carnival. Finally picked up kids from their parties and now were settling into bed. Making plans for Ensenada. Weather is supposed to be nice. Proper port, no tenders. We're planning to sleep in, do brunch at 11 and walk into town. Jia won't do kids club dinner. They have the kids eat with spoons. Forks being too dangerous. Haha. After we dropped the boys we had to turn back and let Kai know to use one hand to eat. He was skipping the spoon and double fisting it in. Seriously. If he thinks we can't see he reverts. Oy. During our free time today we went to the track and did 11 laps (one mile). During our second break we had a nap. Not a picture taking day. We end up doing a ton of walking dropping and picking up the kids. On different floors, opposite ends of the ship. Thankfully the teens are on their own and don't need us.

Penguins 2-5
Stingrays 6-8
Sharks 9-11
Circle C 12-14
Camp O2 15-17
Goodbye Catalina.
Decemated lunch.
More time at sea = more time to eat.