
Our family.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Boys and I are going back to visit Mickey.

The boys turn 9 this year!  It's their turn.  Lots of conversations about how to get twins on individual trips.  A bit daunting to take Kai, come home and then take Luk.  We've looked a lots of options.  Take Luk this year, take Kai next year.  Take Luk in September then take Kai in November.  First week of September is crazy busy with back to school.  Plus Lili likely starting University and moving out.  Eric thinks Kai won't notice his trip not on his Birthday.  He's likely right but family tradition is family tradition.  The culture at this house is a Disney trip at 9.  So I did the logical thing and asked the boys. They were both emphatically clear that they would rather go together.  Flights and tickets are both on sale right now so I booked our flights and bought our tickets today!  I'm insanely excited to be taking the boys just the three of us!!  We're going right in between their Birthdays.  Should still be hot in mid September.  So we can pack light ;)  Squeal.  They were happy with the news but not quite as excited as I am.  Go figure.