
Our family.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Cowkids from Yesteryear.

Oh Facebook memories you're killing me.
Four years ago...Boys are 5, Jia is 6.  Sob.
He didn't love trying out the glow in the dark vampire teeth. Forced Halloween fun. Edit...not forced...cajoled...lest anyone think we held him down to wear vampire teeth.  Every time I hear the word force it reminds me of our first homestudy with our first social worker.  She laid out a scenario (amongst many). You're late for work and your toddler doesn't want to get in the car, what do you do?  I said pick her up and put her in the car seat.  Wrong answer.  Apparently you can't force a child into the car or to do anything really.  Haha.  Many years and many kids later.  I have put lots of crying kids into the car.  Some in the middle of tantrums and total melt downs.  Hopefully it always looked like less than a kidnapping to onlookers. In these overly sensitive days of pandemic my attempts at funny aren't as funny.  
They had to gut their school pumpkins.  Kai has been with Michelle all day every day and he's starting to follow her lead and example, we noticed he gutted the bulk of his pumpkin by feel, he was largely staring off at the ceiling.  ;)  Love it.  
More forced Halloween fun.  She didn't want to do it at all, and especially didn't want to join the boys.  Then declared the whole event at school lame.  Sigh.  Pre-teen has arrived. this was actual taken away was our 'forced' method. 
Cookie decorating.  Not quite as forced because - cookie :)

We had the boys iep meetings this week.  I think they went well overall.  I like a lot of what is happening for Kai this year.  Loved meeting Michelle.  They're a good match.  The new principal seemed open to hearing me.  

Lili has decided to come home for term 2 that is officially all online again.  So sad what her University experience has become. 

Fei remains swamped in homework.  

Dr. Bonnie has changed rules again on house gatherings.  Allowing a safe 6 in people's homes.  That's pretty limiting for sure.  Never thought a day would come that I'd be anxious for a vaccine.  Days coming are bleak. 

My first love passed away a few weeks ago.  Much sadness has swamped me.  I haven't talked to him in 25 years but I liked knowing he was here.  RIP Paul.  An old friend with psychic abilities called me out of the blue with messages to me from him a couple nights ago.  Which just started the tears up all over again. Her message from him was close to what I would have expected but not quite right and from someone who didn't know any details or him very well so that was super freaky.  

Strangely the government stopped sending our child tax credit funds.  It took me all day yesterday to sort it out.  In the end I needed to confirm our address.  We didn't move. Nothing changed.  And the money is directly deposited anyways.  So that was weird and frustrating. So we didn't see Sept or Oct. Problem not fixed in time to get Nov. So all four months will arrive in Dec.  Which is fine.  But what about families that desperately need it right away?!  

I stopped in at Joanie's yesterday, she was going to sort out the exact birthdate for my pups.  We have approximate dates. She had company so we didn't get our planned visit.  The lady there is another breeder who has Joanie's Zuzu.  So I got to cuddle Zuzu yesterday.  What a total doll.  I had promised Eric I wouldn't bring home another dog but honestly if I could have snagged Zuzu I might have.  They have a tiny silver Yorkie there that they are trying to breed her with.  When I got home Eric rushed outside to meet our new dog.  Haha.  He seemed a bit disappointed that I was alone.  He knows how much I adore Zuzu and he said I should offer to swap Coco for her.  Like that would be possible for me.  Coco and I are forging a hard won tight bond.  I wanted a picture of my Zuzu cuddles but I wasn't completely comfortable with Joanie knowing what a total geek I am.  Haha. It's sometimes hard making new friends.  The kids always talk about being socially awkward themselves and they tell me often how cringy I am.  Messes with confidence.  

Work is busy.  My desk is loaded.  The flare is mostly under control. Have had a good week.  Last night was rough, took myself up for a bath at 7 and went to bed with extreme nausea.  The boys tucked me in.  I did get up around 10 feeling better and ate a snack.  Feeling great.  No pain, no nausea, no issues yet today.