
Our family.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Jia's Gotcha

And we took no photos today.  She requested McNuggets for dinner with Ava.  They came back here after a B-day party for a classmate.  Lots of laughing, screaming and gaming going on up there.  She did tell Ava some of the story of her gotcha moment and she got it right ;)  So my retelling every year is sinking in.  
Here is a link to the blog post from 10 years ago.

I'm REALLY struggling with Crohns.  Had a few days off work.  Trying hard to remain calm and still.  Not my forte.  I really, really don't want to be in the hospital and I really, really don't want surgery.  Prayers needed.  Also some sleep would be nice and some pain relief.  Eric is working double time taking care of me, kids, pets and house.