
Our family.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Local Federal Office.

Things have changed.  Yay.  We never have to go back to the Victoria passport office again.  I was the only client in the Duncan office. Perfect service!  They didn't keep the Canadian Citizenship certificate, just copied it.  Wow. Finally. Spread the word.  Kai's application was sent off with no issues.  Two weeks from Victoria, five from here. But that works.  I hope. Small detail to redo on Lili's application.  I printed a picture of her ID but they need a copy and they need the guarantor to sign it.  Lili is home Friday night.  Will copy her ID then and take it in on Monday.  Easy Peasy. 

Eric and I did the passports, delivered a USB stick to the accountants, made an appointment for the Jeep, shopped Walmart, played in Bulk Barn, ate lunch out and did Dollarama run.  We got a fair amount of pet supplies stocked up.  Ingredients for the next three dinners.  A good number of stocking stuffers.  A couple gifts.  But we did not locate any candy corn.  It's bizarre.  We're told the supply chain is messed up.  Apparently there is candy corn still in the Nanaimo Bulk Barn but it might be too much of a drive just for that.