
Our family.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Autumn Moon Festival

Al came over with an amplifier for Jia and a quick lesson.
She put a bit of time in on school work and a lot of time in on the guitar.  We have to switch that around.  Haha.  She played enough that she had to put little bandages on her fingers.
Row camping at Osborn Bay.  Ya'll know I don't love the row, but I do love this bay.  
So beautiful.
Shannon's photo.
Breakfast.  We definitely were feeling lucky to be in this spot enjoying the last days of summer with friends.
Morning visits.
The closeness is insane.  The ladies in this tent trailer were lovely. They loved seeing the kids with their lanterns.
Penny and Brad have a new unit.  It's fabulous.  Check out those back windows.  
Silas was the only taker for Lin Yi's Lantern. We read about 6 pages ;) There was too much going on for sitting and listening.
These 3 were so cute together as always.
Smoke. The sun was a little dot.  It was warm out and very orange. There was a big fire in Vancouver, another in Hope, Nanaimo and Washington.  
So exciting to have a group event again!!
6 families.
The moon was spectacular the night before, this was hiden by smoke. We were just happy it showed at all.