
Our family.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Camping/hiking chairs.
I have been shopping since we got Cheese for chairs to keep in him. I wanted light weight, smaller, foldable, quick dry and comfortable. No bars digging in anywhere. We'll be outside more and will need some where to lounge.
The ones I finally picked hang on the collapsable frame and swing a bit. Plus are super light so we can take them to beaches and on hikes. They arrived today. They're lower than we hoped. Easy to get into though. Eric and Jia got out ok. My turn and I pushed on the edge at the front and it scooted out behind me and plopped me on my butt. I totally wasn't expecting that. I layed on the floor in a bit of shock while listening
to my family laugh. Nice.
Eric says no one laughed. Jia says
they all laughed. I heard laughing.
Now...I'm undecided about keeping them.
Here we are actively planning camping trips and there is snow on the ground.
Friday, January 27, 2023
Busy week as usual. We try to grocery shop on Tues but we just ran out of time. We finally got to yesterday. We did Walmart and I found these Big Cheese t-shirts for the kids. Haha. $5 each. So fun.
We had the furnace for cheese tested, it's in good shape. Eric got a themostat for it. I think one of the last things we need is a vent for the furnace. 7 weeks until the first road trip.
Lili is in a law course, she had to go watch a day in court. She watched a fairy creek protester accussed of public mischief. Interesting. I definitely don't support the way the protesters tried making their points. Lili met a bunch of them and thought they were nice. Arg. Glad I didn't have to be there, haha.
Fei just passed a big exam she was worried about.
Luk had a nice appointment with his Pediatrician yesterday. He used to be around 30th percentile for growth. Right now he's 85. Yay.
Jia made it through a whole novel and the plan is to get a book report done before Tuesday. The library let us know the book we wanted is ready for pick up so we can zoom right into another one.
I still don't have a family Dr. I need a referral to gynecologist so I've booked an appointment with a private clinic for a fee to see a nurse practioner. I'm not thrilled about the paying part but the clinic does supplement and hydration iv. So hopefully
this works for me.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Monday, January 23, 2023
May Long Weekend
Lili called yesterday to remind me it's time to book the May long weekend for camping. I couldn't find a site on the island. This afternoon I planned a Radium Hot Springs trip wrapped around the May long weekend!! So excited. Radium is my happy spot. Ok, one of many but definitely in the top 10.
Staying in Kentucky-Allwyne on the way. We love it there. Glacier blue lake and ground squirrels. Then onto Dry Gultch. A provincial site we've never stayed at in Radium. Then on the way back staying at Okanagan Falls. I have to book Manning Park tomorrow. We're
not in the 4 month window.
Our first road trip planned for Cheese. Eric , Luk and I are excited. Jia would like to stay home. We didn't tell Kai, no point upsetting him. Forced family fun. The last time we were there Kai had just joined our family.
He rebelled the entire trip. We were completely unprepared for his issues. Can't wait for a redo.
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Another Cosplay.
I just got up to this mess of creativity. She's made the barrel of a gun that is on a game characters face. It is truly a good manifestation. I don't know the charaters name or game or have a photo. Heaven only knows how late she was up last night to create this.
This picture makes me so happy.
The Gala itself was completely lame. Too many speeches. Dinner was late. It was a pricey chaotic experience. We went into it with low expectations and brought snacks. It was fun to have a group event happening. The girls were happy to visit with friends they don't see often. It was fun to see Bev and Jenna from Victoria there. There were red envelopes and treats. Nicole made fabulous red bracelets for the kids and Kai's had a silver car bead on it, he was completely delighted. It felt like old times gathering all the young ones for a group photo. Traditions back again!
Friday, January 20, 2023
All good here again.
I didn't sleep well. Worried about the boys in school. This morning I went with Eric to school. We needed to do a pants hunt. We didn't find them. The assumption now is that Kai may have thrown some away. Also that Luk has used Kai spare pants. So we have to send more Monday. So many pants. We chatted with teachers and ea's and the reports are all about how great the boys are doing. Yes, some toileting issues. But not really anything new. Except Kai has figured out how to get more attention from his ea. Who he adores and he wants to be babied by her. This is WHY there shouldn't be so many changes to ea's. Our plan was to go to the district office and insist on options. We didn't bother after being in the school. They are safe and loved.
Today the kids symbolically swept dirt out the door. Jia cut her own hair, then cut mine. Hers was symbolic, mine was an actual all over cut. She's doing a great job. Eric cut the boys last week.
Luk joined Jia and I in making dumplings. He
didn't stick it out but we had great silly conversations until he left. Then
we gorged. Jia ate 25!!
We saved some for Lili who is coming home later tonight.
The Gala is tomorrow. Fun, fun, fun.
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Eric was approached by the special needs coordinator at school today. Wondering if the boys diets have changed. They have not. However we are told today that both boys are having bathroom issues. I'll spare you the details. The boys are not potty trained. There are many issues. Some medical, some cluelessness. CLEARLY if we could fix the issues we WOULD. They're 11. It's extremely difficult. For them, for us, for anyone dealing with them. So Eric had to explain paralysis AGAIN. There is no explanation for Kai, pretty much mostly that his self awareness and safety is still around 2 years old. So we just have to accept the way it is. We've had seven years of trying to potty train him, all day, every day. So why is the school suddenly confused about what is going on?!
We briefly discussed pulling Luk and homeschooling, the problem is, he isn't driven. No extra projects or interests. With Kai we simply have no clue where he should be. Clearly not school.
Another embarrassing, frustrating day here.
Tomorrow Eric is going into school to hunt down pants. Again. Because none came home.
As always, trying to keep home a stress free zone that is accepting. Planning
rootbeer floats for snack tonight.
My cough and sore throat, swollen glands are all under control today. Crohns
flare still bonkers.
Max is here with Jia. Albi is with Eric. I'm sulking in the living room with the puppers.
Eric got both mine and Fei's cars fixed. Lili called to chat this afternoon she is planning to come late tomorrow night. She is missing Jenny.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Mid Week
We met these cuties at Pings on Saturday. Midway. We were getting Fei's car for repairs and handing over a tuition cheque. Lunch was a bonus.
The littles chose to stay home. To be fair we didn't tell them Pings was a possibility. This was the first time we've left the three of them alone together. It went OK. I wasn't totally comfortable about Kai with substandard care but he was fine.
Lili's tire was crazy low. Then even lower after lunch. So a lesson in the parking lot about how to fill a tire. I made Eric go with her. She had a drywall nail embedded. I backtracked while they dealt and went to rescue Kai. Haha. I'm not sure he even knew we were gone.
This hat saved me in Disney with all the rain. I thought I'd lost it, left in the hotel. Eric found it in my car. I was so thrilled to see it again.
Now...I haven't driven my car in 8ish weeks. I thought we should take it to meet the girls so I'd be more comfortable driving back. I much prefer it to driving Eric's van. We got down the road and there were horrible smells happening and the check engine light came on. Yikes. We went back and swapped for the van. Eric lifted the hood and I have critters nesting in my engine bay.
Today Eric took the boys to school then home to get Jia and take her to a morning soap stone carving class. He had an hour at home where he was working on cleaning the mess and searching for damage in my car. Then back to get Jia. He has another hour at home before taking her to guitar, pick up the boys and come home. Then will have 3 hours before going across town for Jia's hip hop class. Phew.
Yesterday was the Tues gauntlet.
Boys to school
Pick up milk at farm
Home for an hour
Go to library
Ate lunch out
Jia to school
Banking for B&L
Grocery shop
Pick up boys
Pick up Jia
Take Kai to playgroup
Go to finance guy to sign papers re tuition
Home with groceries
Put away
I work at desk
Eric picks up Kai
Rest an hour
Snack for Kai
Routine for everyone else.
I seriously have zero clue how I worked full time out of the house before. At one point Eric had to ferry 5 kids around. And this is why we always, always feel like we're trying to catch up.
When we were leaving the library Jia saw a poster for Shrek the Musical. She wanted to go. I did too. It plays on my Birthday. So on a whim I bought 7 tickets for the family. I was thinking we should sit close so Kai can see and it turns out the front two rows were a lot less moola so that worked in my favor. Lili and Fei are both good to come since it's a Saturday. Yay.
Jia's romance has ended. She was fine with that. She expected it. It was fun while it lasted.
We bought dumpling supplies yesterday. I'll have to talk Jia into assembling with me. We're cheating with pre-made wrappers. We haven't decided which day we'll eat them yet.
Each day is too busy to make plans.
Tomorrow and Friday there are no extra carricular events. Thank goodness.
My cough is better. I'm in a flare now though. Crohns sucks. Short Bowel Sydrome sucks. I'm definitely ready to feel whole and healthy again!
Off to go get food in Jia before she's leaves for her guitar lesson.
Friday, January 13, 2023
The boys will be home in a couple hours and we will have completed another week. Phew. I'm still coughing. Now add some flare issues. I'm definitely feeling sorry for myself. The rest of the family is healthy. I finally slept for a few hours in a row last night. Game changer.
We are catching up with Mom this weekend and friends tonight and tomorrow. I did get out a couple days during the week.
There isn't much to report.
I did have a call from the school last Friday. Kai was crying at school several times a day all last week. He hates doing the work. It was confirmed that Kai does fart at school all the time. They had a meeting. The decision was that he is immature and is learning about farts. He laughs every time he farts. The key words...they had a meeting. About his farts. Honestly a pretty low point for me here.
Jia is still in a relationship with Kyle. They
stay in close contact. She has been busy. As usual. I wish a bit busier with school work. I still don't love homeschooling.
Right now she is getting Luk to play one of her games with her so it's tough getting him to bed at a decent hour. We hate
to interupt when they're having so much fun. The other night they were begging for a bed
time extention for him so they could bake cookies. Haha. Which I allowed, because, cookies.
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Getting ready for Lunar New Year
This morning Eric put away Christmas. Then we brought down CNY boxes. Luk helped me decorate. We just did a little bit in the kitchen. Low key. We put out about a 10th of the decorations. Then I ordered rabbit envelopes from Amazon. Next, printing out kitchen god coloring pages.
Eric is headed back to Nanaimo. Fei's
battery was tested at Cdn Tire and it's officially dead-dead so Eric is getting the warrenty replacement today. Jia went with him.
She has Birthday money to spend so the mall is calling her.
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Turner and Hooch
Hahaha. I'm sitting to lunch, watching Turmer and Hooch and Finn is watching the tv!!
Eric is off to Nanaimo to get Fei's car going. Fingers crossed it's the battery. I'm still coughing. A lot. It hurts.
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Jia's Room
Jia has been talking about a room redo for about two years. She's been told what steps she has to take to make that happen. She has never done the required things. Tidy room, put clothing away, get clothing to laundry, take garbage out. Simple list. On the road trip home she started up again. I told her it wasn't time. School first. Plus, I'm sick. She promptly got home and started tearing her room all apart. I asked her to stop, told her no one was getting on board today to help her and again....we need to see more schoolcwork happening. This is what I found on my way to bed tonight. Sigh.
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
I've been at my desk most of the day. Lots of procrastinating going on. Lili reminded me this morning that it was camp booking day. I got a site for Easter at Rathtrevor! Then rallied the camping friends. We have four families booked. Yay. So fun.
Then booked a random end of April weekend because we can.
How are we supposed to know so far in advance if we can camp or what the weather will be? Luk still has a bunch of procedures coming up. Lili isn't done her school and travels until the end of May and Fei isn't done her course until mid July. Who knows what they'll be up to this summer. Life isn't feeling very predictable.
Eric has been doing laundry all day. Plus was out car shopping for Fei. Her car is dead in Nanaimo. Likely her battery. However, Eric has been telling her for two years her temporary, learn to drive car wasn't meant to last.
Ok, this is just more procrastinating. I'm on my old phone and blogger is working fine. So the issue is my new phone. Arg.
Monday, January 2, 2023
We had a great last night. Leisurely morning. Uneventful ferry and drive. The babies were all happy to see us. The house was clean and Jessica even baked us cookies! And they're yummy.
Lili and Fei got laundry going. Lili and Eric ran out to Walmart to grab food for the next few days. Back to school already tomorrow! The girls are back to their lives
This morning at breakfast I gave Kai a banana, peanut butter pack and a plastic knife. I opened the banana and showed him how to put some on the end and eat. This kept him busy while we gathered the rest of the food and drinks. The concentration
was fabulous. Normally he just waits but he really loves peanut butter and he hadn't seen any in a couple weeks.
Sunday, January 1, 2023
In Surrey words.
Figures our last night would be our nicest hotel at the lowest price. The family wasn't keen to land in Surrey. It is on the way to the ferry though and I hotwired it for $81 a night.
We left at 7:30. Crossed the border at 7:30. Uneventful driving day again. There was a Tims beside the hotel so we just ate dinner/bedtime snack there. Can you get any more Canadians than that.
Jia wanted to be texting the boyfriend. I asked her to wait until I checked her plan. She didn't wait. 59 texts from the border to the hotel. 20 minutes time. Each text
at .75cents. Oy.
The girls wanted me to blog about Kai letting rip a whole bunch of farts in a quiet hotel lobby of people lined up to check in. I thought the Jia texts was a funnier story though.
We'll be home around 4 tomorrow. Always soooo exciting to get home.
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