
Our family.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Operation Downsize


Summer is here.  The doors are open and the critters are loving it.  Even Miss Esmei made it out.  Now we have to be mindful she's in because none of us think she'd know how to make it to the cat door or how to use the cat door. She hovers on the stairs, waiting for quiet moments to sneak out.

Oscar made it on the news at Jeepapaloosa.  Eric had Luk take a screen shot of the news bit for him.

It looks like I had heat exhaustion last week.  I'm feeling almost back to normal.  I'm a bit leary of leaving the house in general.  It took a few days to regain strength and fluids.

The trampoline is down.  I'm almost ready for the slide, climbing part to come down next.  A whole new era.  The swings will stay for now.

Eric and I had a morning off.  We started with a stroll in Crofton then onto the thrift store and a visit with DM and Al before picking up Luk and Kai.  The boys have 3 days of school next week before summer officially starts for us.

Now...the moho has been listed for three weeks.  No movement at all.  The first person to come look came yesterday.  They made an offer last night and we accepted it.  We have no clue if they will follow through.  They are younger than us with 6 kids and they loved the Island Queen so I think I can be happy where she is going.  They had a list of which ones they were interested in and ours was on their list and they had read the manual on line before they got here.  Six weeks of class A hunting and they were clearly excited about the condition of ours.  
The funny/super wierd part...three more people arranged viewings last night after they left but before their offer.  I then let them all know there was an accepted offer.  So, now we're not sure if they will show but we're home this weekend anyways.  I might have made a tactical error in telling the next folks.  Sigh.  I really don't love the selling part.  We're super close to being done with operation downsize.  Once the moho is gone, we just have the Commander to sell and I still don't really want to sell it.

Oh, oh, and I had said it needed to sell to someone who could appreciate what it is and last night I was chatting to a girl in Chilliwack who really wants it.  She's had two Commanders and the interior of her current one is trashed and it needs repairs so she wants one with less kms and that looks better but is nervous that ours hasn't had any major repairs done.  Weird.  But eh, whatever.  

I've caught up at my desk.  The kitchen is cleaned.  Jerry's mouse house is cleaned.  Pet care is all done. Laundry is almost caught up. Eric is doing serious yard work yesterday and today.  It's looking like we might have free time this weekend.  I of course have a mile long list of possible adventures.

Eric's sister Julie is on her way here from camping in Port Renfrew, she broke the hydraulic lift on Brie's roof. 

Eric put his new 8 ball stick shift knob in Oscar.  He's been playing with the new radios.  He also put in new shocks and claims his ride is as nice as mine now ;)  Haha.  I'm genuinely concerned about the amazon list as he keeps adding Jeep parts.  I maybe should have set him up with golf.