
Our family.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Kai and Luk's Graduation.

The boys were picked up for a fancy drive to their ceremony with a friend.

Kai was pretty excited to climb in a 'Hot Wheels'.  Haha.  Living the dream.

Just hanging, looking cool in their finery before the event.

Poppy takes her service dog job very seriously.

All done.  Time for cake.

Pure fluke that we were all in black.
Eric was in a black Jeepapaloosa shirt so we made him change into a nicer black shirt so we could get a family picture.

Mom didn't get the memo on the black.  Kidding, it really was a fluke.
Also, I was able to get Kai into actual pants with a zipper and a button.  He didn't like this but he did seem aware that he was looking good ;)

A cruise after dinner with Roger and Kaleb.

That included milkshakes.

Kaleb has been taking the most excellent care of Kai since kindergarten.  This picture just makes me cry.
1st day of kindergarten and now, the end. This has been a bit more emotional than I was expecting.

All five of our kids, done with Alex Aitken.