Lacie and Walter will do tricks for her. Jenny not at all and Esmei just stares looking confused with her ice blue eyes.

Our family.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
The Shebeast is gone.
My friend Sue bought my moho today. Happy for her and I'm having 'feelings' about losing my favorite toy. I'm really going to miss it. I loved knowing I was in control and could take off when ever I wanted. Plus, Eric worked so hard on it to make it just perfect for me. I really appreciated that.
I haven't even been a passenger in the new one. E told me tonight I'd be driving the new one in no time. I'm just not seeing it. Way to intimidating for me.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Dead washing machine.
We've killed another washer. Two new Kenmors in this house. We have been hating the new technology machine. It's only three years old but we don't really want to spend a dime on a machine we can't stand.
So the search is on for an older style agitator machine new or used. Apparently we're not alone in this because they sell the second they're listed.
We've been without a washer for almost a week. The piles are mounting. I'd take a picture but it's embarrassing. We do two to three loads a day. Plus the camping pile. Then both teens cleaned their rooms and closets on Sunday and presented us with a couple more giant piles. It's not pretty. Life continues and it keeps accumulating.
I've been all over on line looking. Yeesh the prices! This morning when I was leaving for work I told Eric not to come home without a washer. He's such a superstar that he found a super capacity agitator/h.e. machine new for a totally decent price that is in stock and he's off to pick it up now.
Phew. There was fear. We were going to run out of clothing and towels. We were starting to discuss the need to use a 'gasp' laundromat.
And all the same reasons I prefer rving to hotels applies to laundry ;)
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Ha ha ha.
They have no hope of climbing that rock but bless them for believing it was at all possible. Too funny.
Today was incredibly long. Work, end of school for Luk, Jia and Fei. An emotional piano lesson for the big girls. One of the boys that is with the same teacher is in the hospital in critical condition. Heart issues. It's not good and the update today was worse again. We're all feeling helpless. Finally a mad scramble at home to get things nice and organized for the house/pet sitter. On top of all that the boys have been extremely frustrating for Lili and Eric today. Backwards slide on behaviour from both of them. Then I arrived home asking where is Kai? Alone in the toy room. Arg. Almost always means he's filled his pants with poop. Eric called him up and we could smell him coming. He's pretty much mastered staying dry but he is bound and determined to NEVER poo on the toilet. So he had to have a shower as we were trying to get out the door.
I had the kids with me in the van and they all slept. Lili and I got to have a nice peaceful drive. I'm grateful they slept but now we're keeping them up later than usual to make up for the nap.
Eric and Fei had the moho parked and set up by the time we got here with dinner. It looks hilarious. Lili and I were laughing. It looks like it's backed right up to a tree. Impressive parking by Eric.
We had a nice walk after dinner and good play at the playground. Boys are just having their snack by the propane fire befor bed now.
Eric was called up and acknowledged along with a couple other parents for the extra work he does at school. Nice to see him acknowledged.
Also as a great surprise Haley was there today performing with her drum line. That was fun. She's really good. Way too loud for these old ears though;)
For extra fun at the end I ran into an old school mate of mine from my Alex Aitken days. I don't actually know why she was at the school. It was good to see her. She's nursing I'm Australia now.
Fun Sports Day
I didn't go this year. Eric was there helping with set up and concession. I was scrolling through for Luk's Graduation pictures and found this one of little Missy.
Luk's Graduation from Preschool.
I missed it but Eric got some great photos. Luk is so cute. Clearly pretty darn excited about the big scrap book. Looks to me like the kids did a little singing performance and then the handful of kids moving onto kindergarten got their scrap books. Haven't had time to talk to Eric today.
Lili's final report card.
So proud of this girl. Straight A's for all four terms. Her teachers had such nice things to say to her! Moving onto Grade 9.
The Front Tooth
Jia has been wiggling a top front tooth for weeks. It finally popped out today during the year end school assembly. Fei was sitting up front for the grade 7 send off and Jia leaped up and ran to her to show her. Seriously too cute! Fei smiled at her and sent her to me.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Father's Day
We took the morning off. I made cinnamon buns but other than that we were all doing our own things. Mom and Dad came over this afternoon for cinnamon buns then we went to Lake Cowichan for a walk and A&W dinner. Perfect weather. Totally relaxed day.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016
Blood draw for Kai.
I'm rarely in town, so it was nice to get the blood draw done today. We dropped the moho in for repairs. I followed Eric with the littles and from there we headed to the lab. We've had the requisition for a week but I thought Kai would do better with me there. He was all happy right up until he saw the needle. He told the nurse "OW, NO" he whined for a second and then was a real trooper. He even thanked them when we were leaving. Always a gentleman. He was showing Luk and Jia his bandage when he got out. He even pointed it out to me, too cute. Then we walked around the block to the Bavarian Bakery and got the boys a cookie so that made everything better. Jia didn't want or like anything at the bakery, it boggles. She went home for an apple instead. We walked past a new store being built, looked like maybe a smoothie place? She was all over that.
Jia's class is at Transfer Beach today, I wouldn't let her go so she's home today. Last year she was there along with several schools. Hundreds of kids milling around everywhere. No one knew where she was. She wasn't with her teacher, or her group. I found her wandering by herself. She didn't know where any of her class was so she was pretty close to where their back packs were. Bless her for figuring that out. She wasn't nearly as panicked as I was!! So, ya, I wasn't feeling that great about sending her on the bus for the same crazy day. Eric and I aren't very popular with her today. She is miffed.
Lili's last day was yesterday. She went back today to give the Alex Aitken grade sevens a tour as a part of leadership.
Fei is going to high school to get another tour led by Lili ;)
We're going to see Finding Dory tomorrow. Kai's first movie trip with us. They're all so excited. I'm really hoping there isn't anything scary. Luk gets really overwhelmed with the noise, big screen and darkened theater and ends up screaming at every movie we go to! I'm not positive but I think Lili and Fei are coming to this one. They LOVED Finding Nemo when they were little. I recall a road trip to Disneyland when the girls were 2 and 3, we panicked about the long drive and bought a DVD player for the car just before we left. They watched Finding Nemo, non stop, over and over the whole way there. Once upon a time Eric and I could recite all of the words from that movie.