
Our family.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

School Lunch Again

Yesterday's lunch kit lunch was so much fun that Jia has organized brunch for them today so that she can join the fun.  She's added backpacks, homework, permission slips and math.  The boys just want to eat ;)

Big girls have an extra piano lesson today.  Prepping for their exam on Tues.  Then it's their dance recital tonight.

Fei is home from camp.  Sounds like it was mostly all good.  She was happy to have Eric's cooking again.  A good long soak in her tub and she was feeling better. 

Eric isn't having a grand time with Scott. He got a call yesterday from the hospital telling him to come and pick up Scott who was being released.  We don't know why he was in the hospital.  He can't really talk. In garbled fashion he has mentioned spots on lungs and stomach.  Pain.  He needs a prescription but he can't have it until he does a urine test. So they are off this morning to do that.  Dr. didn't sign the request.  He isn't available today. Now Eric is running around with Scott trying to figure out what is up. Incredibly frustrating.  Now we find out the prescription he is trying to get filled is for methedon.  !!  He's been on it for five years.  We were told a year ago he was finally off but he's managed yet AGAIN to get back on it.  Three times he's supposed to have been off.  Our medical system sucks big time.  He needs a social worker who can actually manage his case.  Can't believe it's happening all over again.  Oh and Scott is mad that he doesn't have his drug so he's calling the house and leaving messages that are garbled and don't make sense so he falls back on dammit.  Just so sad all around.