
Our family.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Trial Lunch

Eric gave the boys their lunch in their school lunch kits today. We are unsure about their kindergarten skills.  Starting with some basic stuff like getting into their kits and eating.  Luk was quite confused about eating at his desk.  Eric videod them and I wish I knew how to deal with videos on our phones because it's quite funny.  In the end they both managed with some instruction. Kai was ok with a sandwich.  Luk still not so much.  Typically they eat soup everyday for lunch.  Luk is a very, very slow eater, no chance he'll manage with the allowed 15 mins. Kai can stuff a whole meal down in seconds if no one is watching ;) 

Kai brag, he's woken up dry three days in a row.  Also managing dry underwear all day at home. He grins when we praise him. It's feeling a tiny bit like maybe he's starting to 'get' it.