
Our family.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Boy's at a Birthday Party

Some of you will remember the fiasco of days gone by of taking Kai to parties. 

So I've been dreading taking the boys to the this latest party.  I knew Eric was going to prefer not going.  Then we all got busy going in different directions so it really was me on my own.

Now the boys are easy to manage normally but this time was at the gymnastics club.  Yikes. 

They did better than expected.  Kai tripped a few times (bad florescent lighting and blue mats all over at different heights) he started lifting his legs up, going slower and walking more like he was riding a horse.  After a while he found the little kid area and was happy in there just moving all the equipment and mats around.

Luk found the little kid foam pit and was thrilled to play in there.  It went WAY better than I was expecting. 

Then for the party part both boys were great. Sat and ate nicely.  Kai got pretty excited about watching the birthday boy open his and Luk's gifts.  At the end they remembered to say thank you. 

Easy peasy.