
Our family.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Wheelchair Sitting

Eric took Luk to Queen Alexandra to start the wheelchair process. 

It's of course complicated.  With too many people involved.  Measuring a small child that is going to grow.  So if a chair lasts a few years then realistically it should start out a bit big, get just right and then be a bit small.  Like a bike. 

Eric was overwhelmed with information.  The Queen Alexandra folks think Luk should go to a power chair first.  Something about funding?  But...that would mean two new vans with lifts!  Yikes.  I vote NO.  We're thinking he won't need power until high school when he's faced with long hallways and less assistance available.

We have to co-ordinate the team to get to the ordering part.  We're being told 3 to six months and they'd all like him in the chair asap.

Soooooo. typical Nelson  fashion.  Eric immediately found a used pediatric chair in really nice shape.  In green.  It's not light. He took it to have a cushion made and the lady at the foam shop said no problem we make them all the time.  Don't worry about the size it will fit all of the chairs they're about the same size.  Like we thought.   So we've got this one on a three month trial. 

Luk LOVES it.  He was able to manouver all around the house right away.  He did a Walmart trip and managed alright.  He tires out every few minutes and either Jia or I took over pushing.

Jia is a bit of a problem.  She wants to be a part of it but has LOW impulse control.  She wants Luk to spin.  Because wheelchairs spin very very easily.  Luk does NOT want to spin.

Lots of learning curve.