
Our family.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Mother's Day Tea

We go every year.  Since Lili and Fei were 4 and three.  They dance every year.  There was some concern this year that their piano recital was the same time.  I wasn't quite as concerned.  Tradition dictated we'd go to the tea but the girls think piano trumps dance.  In the end the recital is Sunday so it was all good.  Lili is in big pain from a wicked P.E. class so she just came and watched.  It's a corny, fun, small town event. 

I won this little angel for being the Mama there with the most kids.  :)
Usually they hand out flower corsages.  Questions are usually oldest Mama, Mom from farthest away, Mama with most generations there, Mom with most kids.  These corsages were a sweet idea. Someone put in a lot of time making these.