
Our family.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

School Drama

Got a call last Friday evening and some things were told to me regarding my boys that needed attention at school.  On the heels of hearing from his neurologist last week that we need to consider homeschooling Luk because his fatigue is too high.

The ones in charge of care were on it.  Immediately, no question.  But all must go through the supreme leader.  Two meetings with the principal and I'm so mad I told Eric to go get Luk and bring him home.  What a jerk face. 

Then another call last night letting me know we started a storm at the school.  Yikes.  Simple request to have Luk move his body less in a day.  He is exhausted.  He's headed to a wheelchair and he is losing ability in all areas. 

Another meeting for Eric again today.  Where he was admonished and told no on the requests. 

Arg.  This man is clueless.  Not able to listen.  Forcing our hand to do battle.  Could be all handled in a nice nurturing way but no. 

So an IEP meeting scheduled and a paper trail required.  Strangers being called to come and talk it through.  Seriously.  Just have the kid move his body less for heavens sake.  Clearly he'll be moving less in the chair.  There are only six weeks left!  Just let the poor kid move his body less.

We've been asked by the resource teacher not to pull him.  Give her a week to make change.

Never in a million years would I have expected contention over something so simple.  Everyone on the same page except one pig headed man.  I'm guessing he doesn't have many friends.

I'm sure this will play out with tons of conversations over the next little while. 

I DO NOT like being challenged over what is best for my kids!! 

Oh and in the talks it's clear that Kai is being made fun of at school and that also needs to be dealt with and stopped.  The kids ask him to say things which he does and then they point and laugh and try to speak the way he does.  Not cute at all.  Happening with older kids on the playground and his own classmates in the line up in the morning.  Double Arg.