
Our family.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Visiting Sue

And our chickens, and the old moho, and Tessa and Max.

Jia was thrilled to see our old girls.  Five of them with the run of the yard.  Still tame and walking around with us.  Tessa the dog is very much like our Isabel so the kids had fun getting to know her and throwing her ball for her.  We got to see bunnies and meet Max the blue and gold Macaw.  Sue even gave them each one of his feathers.  Luk and Jia had it rubbed all over their faces immediately.  Kai wasn't sure what the heck to do with a feather but it sure wasn't going on his face!  The kids all piled into the old moho while Eric was having a look at a few issues for Sue.  Luk could NOT grasp that it was ours once and after circling around it a few times I begged him to stop and just think on it for a while.