
Our family.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Kid's Days

Kid's days at the Forest Museum.  We didn't get a pass this year so this was a great day to go as the tickets were reduced.  I snuck the boys out of the house before Jia was up so we could have a peaceful time just the three of us.  Kai was over the top to be at his beloved train again.  Pass next year for sure!  He was jumping up and down and yelling "DA TAIN, DA TAIN!!".  Luk wasn't nearly as thrilled but he was happy to be out.

Kai didn't want his dinosaur on his face.  Then it smudged off right away.  

Kai did a lot of sucking versus blowing.  He didn't seem to mind the taste of the dish soap.  Oh my.

First Cotton Candy for these two.  They liked the novelty of it.