
Our family.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Reading glasses.

Getting older sucks. I've been using my old, old, old glasses at my desk to see the computer. The bi-focal, tri-focal works for reading up close but not arms length for the computer screen. So I constantly swap glasses. But that system isn't working anymore. It turns out reading glasses for me are prescription. Arg. I finally got serious last week and ordered some. The frames were $18 at Walmart and the lenses are single with a $30 dollar off coupon. So $118. I've just sat down to work today and I can't see. The new computer glasses can't come soon enough. The things I get excited about. Sheesh.

Jia and I are almost done reading the Outsiders. I've loved it. She doesn't love all the cultural expressions and words that keep her confused. Golly, weed for cigarette, rumble, and dozens more. Then we're going to watch the movie. Her report will be comparing the two.  

Gramma graciously volunteered to do some science with her so she picked up a packet yesterday. Elements and the periodic table. Sigh. Her mind...Mom have you ever used this in everyday life? Nope. So, good luck to Gramma keeping her butt in a seat and her head in the game for this project. Haha.  

Kai is getting to go to the symphony with his class. Fun. I have no idea if he will like it or not. He's difficult to keep amused if he's bored. At the theater the other night for Shrek he screamed everytime Shrek roared. Which was sort of funny. I'm pretty sure he was the only one screaming.  

Luk is letting his hair grow. He gets cuter and cuter by the day. His voice has deepened a lot and we're all a little in love with his new sound.

When I picked Kai up from playgroup yesterday the lights were all off. The hallway with his coats and boots was really dark. I chatted with Kai about where his boots were, were they his, how do we find his coat etc. Honestly it was too dark for me too. A girl came out of the office and said they have a boy there with light sensitivity. Great. I pointed out that Kai has complete night blindness and that he was black out blind in the hallway. Then we stood and watched Kai get his boots by feel, sit down and flip them around a few times to figure out how to put them on. I didn't have to say anything else. She mumbled and stuttered that they didn't realize and maybe his things could move. Wild. This sums up why we don't always love sending Kai anywhere. Honestly, you only have to spend a few minutes with Kai to realize HE CAN'T SEE. Then she tried to get me to consider spring break camp for Kai. I asked Kai and he said he'd rather stay home. No surprise, they have him in dark rooms!! I told her we had two camping trips planned for spring break and we'd leave the spot open for parents who work and need the spot. Now I'm wondering if I should call and change his day to not be with the light sensitive kid. It's always something.

The coming week is a bit more loaded than usual. Dance show for Jia and I, Music Festival dress rehearsal, Kai's metcha day, Valentine's day, and Fei's 20th Birthday. And of course time conflicts with the regular shedule.

Making it all happen chaotic moment by chaotic moment.