
Our family.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Lili - 4

Today the school work started. Two conferences.  Her work group got a good head start on the 1st assignment so she's pleased about that.

The organizer/professor is a dick.  The struggle is real.  The hotel fiasco continues.  Then atm issues for everyone.  Finally drama and chaos at the evening night market with bunches of students drunk and groups getting separated. Lili and two others made their way back in a cab, sober.  She is sure there will be more drama tomorrow but for now she's tucked in her room doing some homework and quizzes.  Lili doesn't drink so this part is frustrating for her.

Interestingly.  I thought being Asian would make her blend in while in Taiwan but she is standing out more than ever.  It's quite shocking how many comments she's dealing with.  

She is loving all the dumplings ;)