
Our family.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cross Country

Once upon a time when each of our first two peanuts came home we were told by the professionals that they wouldn't ever walk.  Each of them for different reasons.  With Lili we just went on blind faith that she would be fine and very slowly she built strength and muscles.  With Fei, Eric was shown how and then did excercises with her several times a day until she was strong enough to carry on like normal.  What ever normal is.  Anyways, here we are years later watching our little girls run in a district cross country event!  Amazing.

Lili ran last year and was second to last coming in.  This year she's worked hard and you have to love her attitude...she was hoping this year to just not be so far back in the pack.  There were 41 kids running and she was 26th!  As soon as she was done my Dad was telling her there were 15 kids behind her! 

Not the most flattering picture but it is what it is...

Our missy Fei ran for the 1st time and came in third!!  Wow, that was exhillerating to watch.  Bursting with pride.  Oh, and it was wet and cold and they had to run in the mud and Fei's age/grade were the last ones to run. 

Jia held it together pretty darn good for a two year old who had to wait two hours in the rain to see her sisters run.

Recording her third place!