
Our family.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The new roof.
Eric has been wanting a new roof since we bought our house 8 years ago. I admit that I didn't personally view that as a fun project and I've never been exactly thrilled about it. This year, he put the new window in the kitchen and it rained and there was a leak and Eric wasn't having any more conversations about 'when' we were doing a new roof. He's had the roofing material for a few weeks just waiting for nice weather and time. So...he's now roofing. It makes me sick to watch him up there, three stories high at the back! He's wearing a roofing harness and anchored to the peak. Jia has already learned that the sound of the ladder means Daddy is coming down from 'up in the sky'. I'm still not thrilled about the project. I'm happy to get that weird green roofing off of our house. I'm thrilled that our house color options are widened. I'm glad that Eric is relieved to be repairing the crappy job the old owner did. I'm horrified at the mess it's creating. I'm not enjoying the scheduling we're all having to do to free Eric up to work on the roof. My Mom is trying to help by taking Jia here and there...thanks Mom. It's just a phase, it will be over soon, I hope.