
Our family.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fun Fair

Hanna won a cake at the cake walk and picked Fei's cake.  Aren't they so cute together.

Fei and Hanna helped Al at the fishing booth.

Lili helped me at the ring toss for lemonade.  Which was great, I didn't anticipate how much getting up and down the job would entail!

Jia did a fair amount of fishing :)

I told the girls NO cotton candy for the baby but she was asking repeatedly for some so in the end it was Mommy that caved.  She was soooooo happy to have some but she didn't eat much and didn't want any more the next day.

Trying to organize volunteers, not so fun.  But we filled our spots, had to use Grampa as well as Lili, Fei and Hanna, also had to have Gradma watch Jia but I filled my spots.  Not sure I'm too interested in being involved with that part next year.  I'm just too busy and my gut wants to scream, I called you, call me back!  What's wrong with all of you, it's just a one hour committement.  Why is it always the same people over and over again?!  Don't the parents who don't help ever wonder who does all the work for these 'fun' events?  Off my soapbox.  The weather was great, lots of families turned out and a decent amount of money was raised.  Bless the Mom who over saw the whole event.