
Our family.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Kai's Eyes.

We all skipped out today.  Dropped the big girls at Uptown to shop and took the littles to Kai's eye appt. The specialist pediatric opthomologist doesn't feel there is anything connected to a syndrome going on. No night blindness. Kai is however quite near sighted. As we suspected. He has a prescription. I'm told we'll have a whole new kid once he can see.  Not sure about getting him to wear glasses and he breaks pretty much everything that is ever in his hands. He seems happy about getting glasses like Mom and Lili.  Shopping for spectacles tomorrow. Let's hope for sporty, very twisty ones! Jia knows she needs glasses soon and she isn't at all happy that Kai gets his first. Kai will have one more follow up test in a few months to rule out any syndrome issues.

In other Kai news...HE WAS DRY ALL DAY!! Oh please let this be the new normal.

Spaghetti Factory for dinner and a walk at the breakwater. Perfect night.

Rare treat for Luk to get to touch anything with a touch screen. Kai wasn't allowed to touch at all. We had to keep starting the movie over, the need to touch when told not too is just too much. For both of them.
He wasn't impressed with dilated eyes. He was pretty good but I did have to wrestle with him a bit at the end. He was glad to leave! 
Poor Kai, he has a hard time in bright light and his eyes were still dilated.