
Our family.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Possible Progress?

Two steps forward and three steps back.  It's hard to see the progress when you're in the thick of it.

Kai is having some success on the toilet.  I know you all want to know this stuff.  Yesterday when he got off the toilet he managed to step into Lacie's water bowl, that is WAY AWAY from the toilet but hey, things happen.  Kai was tremendously upset and crying.  ?  We told him no big deal, take them off and put them in the laundry.  Which put him into a screaming meltdown.  Again ?  We thought we were LONG done with the soc weirdness that he came with.  When he wouldn't stop freaking out, Eric moved him down the hall.  We were all trying to eat dinner in 10mins so that I could get Jia to gymnastics and the big girls to the fair.  Anyways, he took himself upstairs and found new sox.  Unfortunately they were the ones he had in China (I think) and they really tipped him over.  Eric and I both had to go upstairs to comfort him and pry the offending sox out of his hand and convince him that he didn't really even need sox on a hot sunny day.  Yeesh. 

At supper I told him over and over again that we were his forever family and he never had to go back to China ever again.  Pops up in odd times for sure!  He was nodding his head and had tears in his eyes.  He got busy digging into his spaghetti and he seemed calm when I left.  I wasn't feeling great about leaving right at that moment.

When I got home and asked about the boys, Eric reported that all went well.  At one point he asked them if they needed a bum change and they both said no but Kai looked at Eric and then nodded yes.  So, Eric told him to run and he got on the potty and peed and then had a giant blow out poop on the toilet!!  First true success.  Eric was obviously thrilled that he didn't have to change that one!  Kai got three chocolate eggs for that one. 

Then this morning he happily went to the toilet first thing and peed right away.  He was grinning at us this time.  Usually there are tears connected to the potty.  So, fingers crossed (and toes and legs and whatever else) that we have possibly turned a corner on this.