
Our family.

Monday, July 25, 2016

FCC Picnic

Small turn out but most of the regulars were there.  We all had a great time.  It was fun showing off our new surprise son!  Last time we saw the Victoria group was CNY and we didn't have Kai and when asked if we were adopting again had told everyone NO. 

Kai and Luk were beyond adorable yesterday.   They love dressing alike so they were pretty pleased with themselves.  They sat at a picnic table good as gold playing with their cars and having a snack.  Kai was loading cheerios into a truck, squealing ooohnooo and tipping them out before eating them.  Luk was busy turning the cars over and then shaking his head and saying sooo silly.  They were charming as usual.

Jia was all about Emily.  They had a riot together as usual.  Lili and Fei managed but were getting bored at the end.  They cheered up when Anna and Abigail joined us for dinner. 

Another park after dinner and a late drive home.  All five kids were pretty quiet on the drive.  After three action packed days they still didn't sleep in today!