
Our family.

Saturday, July 30, 2016


We're heading to the waves tomorrow!  Packing up the gear tonight.  It's a little bit crazy how much stuff we need for the beach now.  Bag of towels, suits and water wings.  Cooler back pack. Bag of food. Bag of swim shoes. Body boards, hats and beach blankets.  Thankful for the mini buckets!  We haven't been to China Beach in years.  In my memory it was a horrible hike down and there are no bathrooms.  It would be too much to pack the porta-potty but I wish we could.  Not kidding. 

We went for a walk after dinner at the river park and it was hot and stinky.  Whole place smells of pee.  We all agreed the urban park wasn't cool.  Then we went to Walmart to pick up picnic food and ended up with boards for the waves.  The downside of having five kids is the cost of entertainment.  Well the cost of everything really but it seems to hurt more for the unesessary things.

Heading to waves tomorrow is pretty exciting but even better, the next Harry Potter book is being released!!  I think we'll be stopping at Walmart on the way!

Fei's shadow is as tall as me!
Fei, me, Kai and Lili.
The boys are in jammies headed to bed and Jia is off swimming with Dad.
Jia just figured out that she can touch bottom in the pool and doesn't need a floatie anymore so she is begging non-stop for someone to take her swimming.