
Our family.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Secret Life of Pets

So misleading by the trailers.  Lili, Fei and I didn't care for it.  At all.  The littles say they liked it.  However, Luk was screaming in terror and climbing all over me.  Kai spent most of the movie squawking about his empty drink cup.  He drank it all before the movie started.  Then tried to drink at least 30 more times.  Each time I told him it was empty.  He needed to stop sucking air.  Sigh.  He gets insanely excited about the oddest things.  His own cup is one of them.  He does super serious back washing.  Even Luk and Jia won't share with him ;) So he usually has his own!  I kept hoping he'd figure out that there wasn't going to be any magical filling of the cup and had to take it away after a half hour and then he sulked for the rest of the movie because I took the empty cup.  SIGH.  So, I'm thinking Jia was the only one that liked the movie.  Just enough potty humor for her I guess.

We recently saw finding Dory and none of the kids wanted to sit by Kai, so he was stuck on the end by me. Yes, it's sad sometimes that they still try to ditch him but he is the one doing the weird stuff.  One day perhaps, maybe, in a more perfect world, he'll look up and out and realize he's on his own.  Tough being a parent some days.  I want them to be themselves.  But even more I want them to fit in and conform.  Anyways, back to the Dory story,  another woman sits beside Kai.  I don't know her.  I didn't say hi or smile at her.  Didn't matter to Kai, he's still doing some serious nanny shopping so he kept cuddling up to her and trying to hold her hand.  I had to keep pulling him off of her.  I would tell him she was a stranger, he'd say 'kay' and a couple minutes later I'd have to pull him off her again.  She was looking at me with such pity after a while.  Sometimes I fill in the story but it was so off the wall, I went with a quick escape instead.  We all really liked the movie though. 

I think the boys might need a wee break from movie going.  Or maybe the girls and I might need a more relaxing movie experience. Oh, and both boys had to be shushed repeatedly through both movies.  Such exciting days.