
Our family.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

School Updates

Getting our boys settled into school is not for the faint of heart.

On day two, an hour and twenty minutes of school and Kai peed his pants.  Sigh.  He was busy playing and didn't want to stop.  The teachers were nice to him and got him changed.  This might interpret to permission to Kai.  We sent clean clothes and crossed our fingers for day three.  I'm a bit worried they didn't send home the indoor shoes that obviously have been peed on already.  Ew.  So, he made it all day three thankfully.  I don't want to back track with him.  I feel that if we allow pull ups or diapers we'll never get him out again.  The battle was six months.  There is fear here.  We soooooo don't want to move backwards again with Kai.  Fingers crossed!!

Luk was ok with butt changes with a stranger ;)  Apparently Kai gets taken to a private bathroom with each of Luk's changes. 

At the end of the day in P.E. Luk was crying because he hit himself in the face with a ball. Yup.

Then last night Jia told us Luk was crying at lunch time outside on the playground because he couldn't find her.  Her friend found Luk and tried to help him find Jia.  Neither Luk or Jia saw Kai.  Kai says he was at the slide. So, first of all, broken heart hearing about Luk by himself crying in the playground.  And second OH MY GAWD, the boys were let loose for playtime outside.  Yikes.  We don't let them out of our sight.  Not in a million trillion years are they ready to be let loose on a playground.  There is a supervisor but it's one person for approx 250 kids.

I didn't sleep well.  The plan for today was for Eric to go spy on them.  Eric is reminding me that we let the girls do this transition.  I still argue that it's totally different.  The boys are clueless.  Kai in particular has no fear. He would go with anyone! 

They were told repeatedly this morning to stay together.  To stay in the playground.  No field, no trees, no garden and NO WHERE near the fences.  I'm so busy sweating this one that I've let go of the snack/lunch fears.  Kai can eat his food in seconds.  I've been worrying that he'll eat it all at snack and have no lunch. 

In other news Lili's little rat Taylor died yesterday.  So sad watching Charlotte by herself.  The girls say these are their last two rats.

Piano starts up again today for Lili and Fei.

Lili joined concert band.

Shout out to Lesley.  Awesome winter coats gifted to the boys.  They're perfect.

Jia is loving school.  Enjoying the work and her friends.  Nice to see the anxiety fading.

Eric just got news yesterday that his cousin Brian died.  He's our age.  Went in to have a growth cut off his face and died of an infection.  Life is short and precious.