
Our family.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

A weekend at home.

Nothing on our calendar. Bizarre. A welcome change. Lili is working and we have to drive her.  Our only outings ;)  Today I drove her wearing pajamas.

Eric has a big project underway so we barely saw him today.  Looking like that will be our new norm for a while.  His Navigator needs serious work. Too many kilometers.  We knew the end was coming.  So not surprising but disappointing none the less.  We've discussed in passing what the plan will be and one of the options was to buy a new to us car that can be towed behind the motorhome. It's an extremely limited market, needing it to seat 7 and be under the towable weight.  Basically the Chevy Orlando.  So for a day the plan was to get one for me to drive and Eric would take my van.  We found one with low kms, red and standard. Same as a loaner car we had a couple years ago that I loved.  But...Eric had to give up his beautiful, comfortable, luxurious Navigator to drive my utilitarian mini van.  He wasn't a happy camper.  So next day a new shiny motor was delivered to our house and Mr-Mr has a giant project.

Kai has been rejected for assessment on the island. Deemed too complex. We've been waiting to hear from Sunnyhill in Vancouver.  I got an intake call on Thursday.  Had a long call and was asked a ton of questions.  Then was told that she is certain he is autistic. This did come as a shock.  While I had originally thought maybe there was a lot that for me said no.  He definitely connects with people. Because we've lived with autism for 14 years it's a double edged sword. We know we can do it AND it's not something we're keen to do again.

Also, Kai's assessment will be four days!!  Yikes. Eric won't be up for it. Too complex for him. So it will be me. You all know how much I love Vancouver - NOT.  I have no idea when we'll be booked.  Kai will do fine, now that we know he travels great as long his tablet is loaded with shows.

We've spent the last couple days looking at some of Kai's weirdness and routine issues and realizing that if we look at it as autism instead of low I.Q. it does make more sense.  So we've been allowing Kai the weird routines because it calms him. Now I'm thinking we need to change it up some more and get him transitioning better.

Laying low today suited my mood. The littles and I played some games, did home work and they painted. Kai showed us that he can play Candyland.  Weird. Lili and Fei have Taylor Swifts new cd. They're carrying a player with them all over the house and playing the music non stop :) 

No clue yet what we'll do tomorrow.