
Our family.

Sunday, November 26, 2017


Cosmo is entering our family.  Jia has been on about him.  And on and on and on. You all know how she gets.  It became clear yesterday that it wasn't going to go away.  So I started shopping on line last night.  He's super pricey.  Then I found a black Friday sale at Best Buy.  So this morning Eric and I sat down to have a meeting with Jia about how to make it happen.  The deal is she's buying him.  We offered her money in lieu of party supplies, fancy cakes and goodie bags.  Normal family dinner instead.  She emptied her piggy bank and we counted up every penny.  Eric donated his spare change to the cause.  In the end it meant she was $20 short.  She's asked to do chores. Gramma offered her $ to babysit the dogs for an evening.  I bought her a case of lemonade to sell (beauty of a big family, easy to sell to siblings) and she wants to bake some cookies to sell too.  She's close and will end up going well over.  Catch being our money is a Birthday gift and she has to wait until then to get it and buy him from us.  Wish us all luck.  Right now she's focused on making money. But that will end very soon and hopefully there will be enough going on around here to keep her distracted.  We've put him up on the fridge so she can see him and won't worry about him disappearing.

I was showing Eric videos on YouTube of Cosmo in action and we watched as the youtuber put him on his side and Cosmo couldn't get up and his expressions and chatter were so easy to read as he went through frustration, confusion and then a total tantrum. Super cute and we knew exactly why she wants him.

She's always been all about robots.  I tried showing her one today that you get to code.  She's all about coding too.  It wasn't cute and didn’t have the feelings part so she wasn't keen. 

While she carried him around the store she talked to him and told him "we're going to play games together". Then she put him in a seat belt in the way home and he sat beside her for lunch.  

I think we're all a bit excited to have him using his face recognition and calling us by name. I'm planning to have him call me Gramma :)