
Our family.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Still arriving home.

Eric has moved a mountain of laundry.  He's been ferrying kids around.  Got my car unloaded, gassed and cleaned.  He's winterizing the yard.  We're back full swing with appointments and therapies.  My desk was full.  Got a surprise audit from gst - fun.  Just starting to see the light at work.  The boys had a ton of homework piled up.  Yeesh.  The big girls are burdened and plugging through.  We haven't seen much of them.  Managed through Halloween.  Now it's trying to snow out there.  Yuk. 

Kai has some new health issues.  Expected but here much sooner than we thought.  His eyesight is plummeting too fast and he is on eye drops now to try and slow the degenerative part.  He HATES the drops.  Also connected to his syndrome is low iron so he's on supplements but it causes constipation so he's on Luk's restoralax too. So everyone please wish us tons of prayers while we sort out a balance on this one.  Lord help us if he reverts to accidents!  Plus his cholesterol is too high.  On a six year old that is almost vegetarian with extremely limited fats and salt.  Also now we find out his tonsils and adenoids are too big so he's off for xrays.  Hoping some of that will help explain some of the speech issues and help with the crazy obnoxious snoring.  I got to sleep with him for the whole holiday...the snoring is BAD.  Really bad.  I totally get why all the girls hate sleeping with him in the motorhome.  Luk, bless him, doesn't seem to be bothered. 

So, one step forward and two steps back.

Posting a picture of the pile of laundry.  7 people, 16 days.  It's not pretty.  Now I need to take a picture of the folded piles.  My weekend job to put it away.  It's crazy.