
Our family.

Thursday, November 30, 2017


The intake team for Kai's assessment have decided they are so certain he's autistic that they want him assessed with the autism team.  They won't see him until he's had English with us for two years. So nothing further until Feb. 

Although we were initially less than thrilled with an autism diagnosis I find myself feeling quite hopeful about it now. Way easier to deal with than low iq. So much hope and room for improvement.

Also Kai got in to see the ear/nose/throat specialist this week on a cancelation and he is going to have surgery here in the Duncan hospital to have his tonsils and adnoids removed.  Waiting now for an appointment with the anesthesiologist (had to look up that spelling).  He says this will help his speech but it won't be a miracle overnight. 

On that note, Kai now makes a th sound for s. Major improvement.  He says yeth for yes. The lisp actually helps!  He started on the weekend.  I thought it was so cute that I was asking about 20 useless questions through the day just to hear the yeth's. 

Luk saw his pediatrician yesterday and she's still worried about his speech delay. Auditory speech delay. So she's requested an assessment for him with the Queen Alexandra team. So we wait for that now too.   It is painful waiting for Luk to talk. Takes a long time to get him going sometimes.  The thoughts are long and complete, but it takes a long while for each word.  I thought he might read like that too but he gets a better flow going when he reads.